I thought it would be really fun to have a website. My parents weren't sure, but I really wanted to. My Dad finally said I could and he would help me but I would have to pay half for web hosting and he gets to choose if what I post is ok. So I paid $30 of my own money that I've been saving and then my Dad helped me make this. I'm in the 3rd grade and still new and don't really know how to do this yet but I will. I want to show pictures and things I like. I hope more kids will do things other people don't think they can do. You can do anything you think you can do too. Really you can. My parents told me not to brag but I can tell true stories if people want to hear them. So that is what I want to do on here. In my next blog I'll tell all about my first marathon. How I met Santa Claus' brother Henry and he gave me a really big bag of jelly beans. And how we made jokes about a lawyer named Larry Macon who has run almost 2,000 marathons and then told them to him while we were running to make him laugh. I also ate Oreos and had 6 popsicles. I'll tell you more next time. I hope you keep reading my blog and checking out my website. Be unlimited!!